Walk a Mile in Her Shoes

By Kylie Jennings On Thursday, October 19, Western New England University hosted the Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event. This event is a time when men gather and walk a mile…

It All Falls Into Place

By Maria Khan Fall. Autumn. The season when we see the leaves fall and have pumpkin spice lattes in hand. The season all New Englanders can’t wait to see; the colors of…

Fall Crawl 2023: An Overview

By Michael Pedro Fall Crawl crept under the radar until the week it was slated to occur. On October 19th, from 7-10 PM, Rivers Memorial Hall was converted into a haunted hallway…

The Ups and Downs of Fall

Fall in New England is a wonderful time. Also known as autumn, the season spans late September through the middle of December. The leaves change colors, from a nice green reminiscent of…

Fall in New England

By Vinny Martin Fall in New England, there is nothing quite like it. The humid summer ends, and well-rested students everywhere get ready for a new chapter as an anxious buzz fills…

The Nostalgia Behind Fall

The autumn season in New England is very sentimental for many people. The leaves start to change to beautiful, vibrant colors. Bright oranges and golden yellows fill the treetops while deep reds…

Fall’s True Meaning

By Ben Eskin Fall in New England: the prime time and spot to observe the foliage that the beautiful season has to offer. Whether apple picking with family or watching a high…

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