
“Distant Ties”

1 min read
By Rebekah Sherman

By Rebekah Sherman

For a while, I wished that

I could return to you,

If only for a moment.

This semester is what I wanted,

But I was secretly hoping for much longer.

But when my wish was granted,

For a mere hour or two,

My feelings of longing became

Much harder to bear, which also

Led me to despair, because I knew

That what I was given and what I had longed for,

would not last.

I knew that what I wanted

Deep within my heart,

More time to stay, maybe thrive,

Would come at a cost;

one that I must not allow

at the expense of another.

My desire, for now, is delayed

But my hope is to stay.

I might return to you

and find all is okay.