An International Student’s Perspective on Ukraine

1 min read

By Ryan Allen Wight

The tragic situation that continues to unfold in Ukraine is affecting so many lives. Our own international student here at Western New England University, Ambre Lambrechts, was kind enough to share her perspective on what is happening in the Eastern world today.

Lambrechts is from Belgium. As a European, Lambrechts wants “Ukraine to join the EU to get all the support they need during these times,” but she fears that doing so will provoke Russia to attack Europe. Brussels is the capital of the European Union, making Belgium a pivotal place – and a key target.

Although any interference from NATO could also provoke Russian invasion, Lambrechts expressed her insistent desire that the “people of Ukraine… keep their freedom.” Russia recently attacked Europe’s largest nuclear power plant and fired upon it from all sides, causing a fire that was thankfully extinguished without any disasters. “The threat of Nuclear danger or catastrophe makes the whole situation scarier.”

Lambrechts recalls the Crimean War and the history of Ukraine and the USSR; she sees history repeating itself: “I believed that with the formation of the EU, conflicts like this wouldn’t happen.” She has family and friends mostly in Belgium, and some all around Europe.

“Opinions of my friends and family vary,” Lambrechts continues, noting that some are worried about Europe and its future, while others are simply angry: “I think [that] reflects the general emotions of Europeans at the moment.”

One interesting thing Lambrechts shared was that significant numbers of European citizens have volunteered to fight in Ukraine. Additionally, European countries are offering sanctuary and aid to those fleeing Ukraine.

Special thanks to Ambre Lambrechts for sharing her perspective; may this conflict end as soon as possible and without further bloodshed and pain.