
The Hottest New Addition to Campus

1 min read

By Cole Strzelecki

Check out the new fire pits installed on campus! Two separate units are located at different locations at our University: one between Windham Hall and LaRiviere Center and another outside of Herman Hall. These fire pits are open for all students to use and run from the start of the evening until quiet hours begin. 

These pits have been funded by Student Senate using money from a reserve account for special projects. The project has been in the works since the last senate term under President White but was approved before last summer, completed during the winter, and became accessible to the campus community a couple of weeks ago. 

With that in mind, if you haven’t checked them out yet, it’s highly recommended you do. They were made simply for the enjoyment of all and to make our University’s campus more lively. This time of the school year can be stressful, so if you have free time, go to one of the two fire pit locations, sit in the nearby lawn chairs, and relax by a roaring fire.