Let’s Unpack That: One Small Step for Man, One Giant Lie for Mankind

1 min read

By Anonymous

Remember when the first American man took the first step on the moon in the summer of ‘69? Me neither. With the inevitable advancements made to the television and media, there is no doubt that the moon landing was a hoax. Movies had been popular for some time and special effects were improving. However, the media at the time was nowhere near perfect. 

Pictures and footage of the moon landing from when it supposedly happened should tell you a few reasons as to why it was faked. To start with, stars are not visible in the background of the moon landing media. A purely black and desolate backdrop should indicate that this was all done in a studio. 

Also, the American flag that Buzz Aldrin placed on the moon looked to be waving back and forth; there is no wind on the moon as it has no atmosphere. Not to mention that the lighting, reflections, and shadows were all inaccurate to how space is. We only know this from the unmanned trip from the Soviet Union a decade prior: Luna 2. 

The government gaslit the whole situation to get the United States ahead in the Space Race. Therefore, there is no doubt that NASA wanted to become famous at the time and televise their project to the world.

Enough about that, let’s unpack this… 

This theory was created by Bill Kaysing a few years after we touched down on the moon. Looking at the bogus science behind his claims, many people have rejected this. The lunar surface of the moon is reflective, meaning that the shadows in the media are accurate. The sun and the reflective properties of the surface contribute to the shadows of the astronauts looking off. 

As for the ‘waving’ American flag, a special one was given with a rod in the middle that was not stuck out all of the way due to difficulties. The stars not appearing were a result of the low exposure on the astronauts’ cameras. It also did not help that Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey was released a year before the moon landing. The movie could have led people to believe that the government hired Kubrick to film the moon landing. 

When the Soviet spacecraft, Luna 2, landed on the moon, there was a significant amount of scientific data collected on space. This, and further research, helped NASA to cater for the next moon landing to be suitable for human safety. Unfortunately, for the deniers out there, the moon landing actually happened and provided the world with the foundation for further space exploration.