
A Safer Campus Future

By Deandra Rodriguez Father, professor, law student, and dedicated officer Thomas Ford, just like you, loves the Western New England University community. He has begun his new position as Director and Chief…

Sex Week 2023

By Kylie Jennings The week of September 25 marks the start of Sex Week here at Western New England University! Sex Week is hosted across a variety of college and university campuses…

WNE’s Music Weekend Recap

By Gianna Mulvey Over the weekend of April 29th, Western New England University was host to a music-packed weekend full of fun and events. From Kodiak Music Festival to Spring Event, there…

Class of 2023 Commencement

By Cole Strzelecki As we reach the end of the school year, it is time, once again, to say farewell to the senior class of 2023. This year, Commencement for Undergraduate students…

Asbury Revival

By Sarah Sherman A Christian worship service at the Asbury University chapel in Kentucky has evolved into a continual prayer and worship meeting or otherwise known as a revival. People from all…

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